inkscapein a Terminal window. After this, the GUI window for Inkscape opens.
However, it would be nice to add a shortcut to this app to the OS X launchpad. In order to do this, you can follow the steps detailed in this link. For completeness, I will copy the steps mentioned in the link here.
- Open the AppleScript Editor application.
- Type the following text in the editor window:
tell application "Terminal" do script "`which yourAppName`; exit" end tell
(Make sure you replace yourAppName with the name of the App!) - Then click Save from the File menu.
- Pick Application as the File Type.
- Save it in the Application folder with YourArbitraryName.
- Copy a custom image to the clip-board.
- Open the Application folder in Finder.
- Right-click on the newly created app (
- Select Get Info from the menu.
- At the top-left of the info window, click on the current icon to select it.
- Press Command-v to paste the image from the clip-board over the current icon.
Enjoy the custom icon!
Neater way
The only problem with the above method, is that if your app has a GUI, nonetheless a Terminal window will also be opened and will stay open. What if you want the Terminal window to open, launch your app, and close? I got some hint on how to do just that from this link.
The solution is, just replace the above AppleScript with the one below.
tell application "Terminal" do script "`which yourAppName` & exit" if (count of (every window whose visible is true)) ≤ 1 then quit else close window 1 without saving end if end tell
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